Starter Jobs & LAW HELP / DENTIST

It takes YOU to make an effort in order to get back to financial stability and self sufficient lives!

First you need an ID and a social security card to work, you can go to Social Security Site to get a replacement

(Contact Homeless ID Project if need help)

Drivers License replacement  or State ID replacement can be obtained online by clicking here

The Call Center Group hires within next 4 days!  2150 S Country Club Dr UNIT 39, Mesa, AZ 85210 - STOP BY TO APPLY or call (480)656-4775

InTouchCX Call Center - They work on several areas, taking Hyundai Loan Calls - place is nice. (602) 668-6187 - St. Joseph the Worker agency can guide you to get bus passes(need offer letter), clothing, jobs of all salaries etc. 

Need a Dentist? Call CASS 230 S 12th avenue in phoenix (602) 256-6945 602-362-0744  

Click here - St Vincent de Paul Dental Clinic may be able to help you with teeth emergencies

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